We need to connect to our server as a root user to install the software on the server. Connect to Sever using SSH Key or Password: This will take a little time and attention but, it’s important to remember that once it is done, we won’t have to think about these things again until we need to upgrade our server. Now we need to install all the pieces on our development server. Setting Up Nginx, MYSQL And PHP on Ubuntu
Now click Create Droplet button and relax. You can also add backup for your droplet/server. Keep in mind if you choose password it must me strong (mix of number, later and symbols) and keep it safe. You can also choose a password if you do not have SSH key. Select data-center region near which is your traffic source, like if your maximum users are from India, select Bangalore. If are familiar with other operating system that, but given steps in this guide may not be same for other OS. There are many more options which you can select. Select Ubuntu 20.04 (or any other Stable Release) under Distributions tab. Select the newly created project, there will be a create button at top, click that button and select Droplets. After Signup at Digital Ocean, create a project from left hand-side menu. Create a New Droplet and Installing Ubuntu You can get free $100 credit for 60 days if you sign up for a new account by clicking this link. Digital Ocean provides a droplet at as low as $5/month. Pricing is one of the most important factors in determining the long-term viability of any business. With Digital Ocean, you not only get a fast, reliable, and secure website you also get the peace of mind that comes from knowing your site is being hosted on servers that are in high-security data centers. There are many web host providers out there, but very few offer true value. It sells virtual private servers (VPS) at very low prices. It’s a web hosting service provider that makes it easy and affordable for anyone to get a web app or website up and running. What is Digital Ocean and how much does it cost? Let’s start by getting some info about Digital Ocean. No more guessing which configuration to use, no more struggling or wasting hours Googling how to do something simple. You’ll also learn how to use the control panel provided by DO to make installing and configuring your new server. New developer can follow step-by-step instruction whereas mid-level experience web developer can learn how to configure the server. This guide is for new and mid-level experience web developers.
Connect to Sever using SSH Key or Password:.
Setting Up Nginx, MYSQL And PHP on Ubuntu.Create a New Droplet and Installing Ubuntu.What is Digital Ocean and how much does it cost?.