Ne x the talos principle
Ne x the talos principle

ne x the talos principle

Unlockable characters - earned for completing districts and earning higher star ratings - bring along different weapons, but they’ve also got personality, whether it’s Cletus the redneck with his shotgun or the fast-moving, hip-thrusting Jesus and his machine pistol. Bunnylord’s pre-mission text is randomly generated, with verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs plugging into fixed templates, Mad Libs-style. More than anything, it’s the smaller flourishes that make Not A Hero really stand out.

ne x the talos principle

Proximity mines and remote-detonated explosives are joined by oddball power-ups like the Kitty Kitty Bang Bang, an adorable little cat that walks in one direction until it comes into contact with an enemy… at which point it violently explodes, clearing out a large portion of whichever floor it’s on. There are lethal pickups scattered throughout each level, ranging from the mundane to the completely bizarre. Shooting isn’t the only way to take down Bunnylord’s enemies, however. Any enemies clued in to your position and on the same floor rush in as soon as you start to reload, so it’s always important to conserve your bullets and advance cautiously. Ammo is limited, so you’re constantly looking for pickups, and reloading is both a time-consuming and a noisy process. A variety of enemies step up to challenge you, from standard grunts with peashooters to beefy shotgunners and stabby chargers. That’s the basic flow of gameplay, but Not A Hero isn’t quite as simple as it sounds. It’s possible to walk freely to the left and right (or up/down stairs by accessing doors and elevators), but it’s much more effective to combat roll from one cover location to the next. It’s vital that you use cover - anything from columns to doorways to waist-high obstacles - to avoid enemy fire, peeking out to shoot only when the enemy is exposed. If you stroll into a building and just start shooting wildly, you’re not going to last. Much like OlliOlli, Not A Hero‘s gameplay is what sets it apart. You complete a single level by wiping out every baddie that’s waiting to kill you, though completing the set of challenges in each one improves your star rating for that level. You play as the gun-toting lackey of talking rabbit and mayoral candidate, Bunnylord, The big boss needs your help in securing his bid for public office, and that requires a bit of the old ultra-violence as you shoot your way across the city’s four districts, each controlled by a different enemy faction and broken into multiple levels. Not A Hero started life as a procedurally generated dungeon crawler… until Roll7 tossed everything out and turned it into a pixelated cover-based shooter that owes as much to John Woo as it does to BlackThorne. Roll7 is the team behind OlliOlli, that inventive skateboarding side-scroller for PlayStation Vita. Not A Heroįirst, some all-important context. It’s an evolved version of a Ludum Dare 28 entry, with more bosses and a bigger world.Īll of these games are worth checking out, but let’s zero in on the two that we did get to spend a meaningful amount of time with: Roll7’s Not A Hero and Croteam’s The Talos Principle. The biggest disappointment, however, was not getting to spend any time with Titan Souls it’s a lo-fi open world game that draws inspiration from Shadow of the Colossus as it sends players up against a gauntlet of bosses. We also missed the epic weirdness of Hatoful Boyfriend, a “visual novel/dating sim” set - naturally - in a school attended by talking pigeons. We missed out on seeing Hotline Miami 2‘s newly announced level editor, and we didn’t bro out at all with Broforce.

ne x the talos principle

Unfortunately, we didn’t get to sample everything in Devolver’s circled wagon sideshow. You haven’t truly experienced a game demo until you’ve seen it behind the closed door of a tin-can trailer. Activision had its booming, multi-screen open theater, 2K Games had a towering Evolve monster, and - directly across the street from the Los Angeles Convention Center - Devolver had a full-blown trailer park BBQ. Fitbit Versa 3ĭevolver Digital didn’t mix it up on the show floor with everyone else, but that didn’t make the indie publisher’s E3 presence any less spectacular.

Ne x the talos principle