Bug Fix: WebUser: 4.0-4.1: messages sent encrypted but not signed had incorrect EOLs in the encrypted part.Bug Fix: LOCAL: 4.1.4-4.1.5: the "Suspend Message" option did not work correctly on non-cluster systems.Bug Fix: CLI: 4.1.4-4.1.5: the Rename* commands did not understand the domain name in the second parameter.Bug Fix: CLI: 4.1.4-4.1.5: the UpdateAccounts command did not work for domain admins.Platform: MS Windows: the Event Log records are properly formatted now.CLUSTER: FTP authentication is implemented via PWD now, no need to enable FTP services on the backends.CLUSTER: the Cluster Admin Log Level setting is implemented.
PIPE: the "source address" data is recorded now. RPOP: the Default IP Address setting is implemented. RPOP: the "source address" data is recorded now. DNR: the SRV records (RFC 2782) are supported now. IMAP: now a RECENT response is sent to the client when RECENT-marked messages are removed from the selected Mailbox. MAPI: MAPI connector 1.0.71 is included. WebUser: additional reply/accept/decline operation cause freebusy updates. WebAdmin: the Remove Key and Certificate button has been added to the WebUser Prefs page. Calendar: iCalendar composing routines have been redesigned to support various EOL symbols. Calendar: now the Import function processes multiple VCALENDAR objects (required by Mozilla client). Calendar: VTIMEZONE processing has been modified to support the Lotus Notes format. SMTP: the Relay to Non-Clients setting is now set to "If received from Clients only" by default. Kernel: now the default Client IP Addresses list includes the networks the server belongs to. Bug Fix: Platform: 4.0: OS/2 "no inheritance" bit was set incorrectly, causing "non-closing" stdin channels in child programs. Bug Fix: Rules: 4.1.5: when a dataset had more than 500 elements so the Rule actions did not add new elements to it, the dataset was not released. Bug Fix: WebUser: 4.1.1: Directory Address Books did show records with multi-value "mail" attributes, but could not retrieve those attributes properly.
Bug Fix: Kernel: 1.0: URL encoding for the space symbol has been fixed.Bug Fix: CLUSTER: 4.1: extremely long Alerts sent via POP could crash frontend servers.Bug Fix: ACAP: 4.1b: dropping a connection in the middle of certain operations could crash the server.CLUSTER: FTP operations in a Static Cluster are supported now.
Personal Site: upload file limit increased to 64MB, an error is generated when the limit is exceeded. PIPE: the Envelope-Notify header field is supported now. Helpers: the time-out and autorestart functions have been added to the External AUTHenticator. WebUser: the Recipients Limit setting (for composed messages) is implemented. WebUser: support for the $MDNSent message flag is implemented. IMAP: the RFC3503 ($MDNSent flag) is implemented. Migration: the MS Exchange migration utility is released. Bug Fix: WebUser: 4.1.7: Attempts to add elements from Directory-based Address book could crash the server. Bug Fix: Cluster: 4.1.4: the CreateGroup operation worked, but returned the "unimplemented in this domain" error. Bug Fix: WebUser: 4.1.7: Attempts to send a Read Receipt could lock the session and the Mailbox. WebUser: the multi-card vCard MIME parts are shown as attachments now, so they can be downloaded and imported. CLI: the WML parameter is added to the CreateWebUserSession command. 4.1.8 17-Nov-03 Valid Core License Keys: all.